The gods, in pity for us, have granted to us as fellow-choristers and choir-leaders Apollon and the Mousai,-besides whom we mentioned, if we recollect, a third, Dionysos." The next singers will be the third choir, of those over thirty and under sixty and lastly, there were left those who, being no longer able to uplift the song, shall handle the same moral themes in stories and by oracular speech. " First, then, the right order of procedure will be for the Mousai's (Muses') choir of children to come forward first to sing these things with the utmost vigor and before the whole city second will come the choir of those under thirty, invoking Apollon Paion (Paeon) as witness of the truth of what is said, and praying him of grace to persuade the youth. Choir-training, as a whole, embraces of course both dancing and song." Shall we assume that the uneducated man is without choir-training, and the educated man fully choir-trained?. postulate that education owes its origin to Apollon and the Mousai (Muses)?. "The gods, in pity for the human race thus born to misery, have ordained the feasts of thanksgiving as periods of respite from their troubles and they have granted them as companions in their feasts the Mousai (Muses) and Apollon the master of music, and Dionysos. The Mousai (Muses) and music ( mousika) in general are named, apparently, from môsthai, searching, and philosophy." The first men who gave names were no ordinary persons, but high thinkers and great talkers.

Sokrates : Let us inquire what thought men had in giving them their names. Now, just think, and say by what name the art is called after them.Īlkibiades : Mousikê, I suppose you mean." Who are the goddesses that foster the art?Īlkibiades (Alcibiades) : The Mousai (Muses), you mean, Sokrates? "Sokrates (Socrates) : Tell me, first, what is the art which includes harping and singing and treading the measure correctly?.

"The combining of letters, creative mother of the Mousai's (Muses') arts ( mousomêtôr), with which to hold all things in memory." who delight in feasts and the pleasures of song."Īeschylus, Prometheus Bound 460 ff (trans. And when he passes through a gathering, they greet him as a god with gentle reverence, and he is conspicuous amongst the assembled : such is the holy gift of the Mousai to men." All the people look towards him while he settles causes with true judgements: and he, speaking surely, would soon make wise end even of a great quarrel for therefore are there princes wise in heart, because when the people are being misguided in their assembly, they set right the matter again with ease, persuading them with gentle words. Kalliope (Calliope), who is the chiefest of them all, for she attends on worshipful princes: whomsoever of heaven-nourished princes the daughters of great Zeus honour, and behold him at his birth, they pour sweet dew upon his tongue, and from his lips flow gracious words. For though a man have sorrow and grief in his newly-troubled soul and live in dread because his heart is distressed, yet, when a singer, the servant of the Mousai, chants the glorious deeds of men of old and the blessed gods who inhabit Olympos, at once he forgets his heaviness and remembers not his sorrows at all but the gifts of the goddesses soon turn him away from these. "It is through the Mousai (Muses) and far-shooting Apollon that there are singers and harpers upon the earth but princes are of Zeus, and happy is he whom the Mousai love : sweet flows speech from his mouth.

Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) : See also Muses & the Inspiration of Poets, Writers & Bards (below) The Mouseia ("Museums") were the libraries of ancient Greece which also doubled as religious sanctuaries for the goddesses. The nine books of the Herodotus' Histories, for example, were each named after one of the nine Mousai. In the late classical era their role was expanded to encompass a variety of arts including rhetoric, philosophy, mathematics, geography, history and astronomy. The Mousai (Muses) were originally goddesses of music, poetry, eloquence and song. This page describes their divine aspects.ĬLASSICAL LITERATURE QUOTES MUSES GODDESSES OF MUSIC, SONG, DANCE & THE ARTS THE MOUSAI (Muses) were the goddesses of music, poetry and inspiration. Muse, Muses Winged Muse with lyre, Athenian red-figure lekythos C5th B.C., Blanton Museum of Art